Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tips On Cooking Without Cheese

--Crescent Roll Recipes Appetizers of Tips On Cooking Without Cheese--

experie nced Tips On Cooking Without Cheese

Cheese is something that many habitancy love, but the food does not all the time love them. Anyone who is lactose intolerant can palpate pain, bloating, and diarrhea when piquant dairy products like cheese. Others voluntarily select a dairy free lifestyle for personal or condition reasons. Even when dairy is no longer a part of the diet, recipes that contain cheese can still be made, with a few substitutions.

Tips On Cooking Without Cheese

Cottage cheese is something that many habitancy love and when it is removed from the diet, it can be missed. There is something about a snack of bungalow cheese topped with fruit that makes the stomach rumble. Using a dairy free substitute, habitancy can continue to enjoy their bungalow cheese snacks without worry of dairy repercussions. This product can be replaced in recipes calling for quarterly bungalow cheese, using the same whole as required in the recipe.

Ricotta cheese is used in many Italian dishes, like lasagna and eggplant rollatini. Substituting the same whole of whipped non dairy bungalow cheese will furnish an entree that tastes just like the customary dish. There are even recipes that combine dairy free bungalow cheese, such as one for banana pancakes, that habitancy may never have tried. Tasting these can move the diet into an entirely new, and healthier, direction.

Warm summer days call for a barbeque and cheeseburgers are a grilled favorite. For those who cannot have quarterly cheese, there are dairy free slices of mozzarella and American style cheese that highlight soy. Each slice is individually wrapped and contains no cholesterol or animal products. Unwrap a slice and add it to a burger, then top it with lettuce and tomato, and enjoy the taste of summer.

Dairy free cheese substitutes can be used in yummy recipes for appetizers, entrees, snacks, and desserts. A honey cream filled crescent is the perfect salutary treat. Mix four ounces of dairy free cream cheese with two tablespoons of honey, then stir in 1/4 cup of sliced almonds. Unroll an eight-ounce package of refrigerated phyllo dough and cut off it into eight triangles. Spread one tablespoon of the compound onto each triangle.

Loosely roll each triangle, beginning at the shortest side and rolling to the opposite point. Place each roll on an ungreased baking sheet, curving rolls into a crescent shape. Sprinkle rolls with ground cinnamon and bake them for 12 to 14 minutes or until they are golden brown. Serve them warm, drizzling them with more honey, for a yummy snack any time of day.

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3 Easy, Delicious, Super Bowl Game Day Recipes

The big game is just nearby the projection and you might be seeing for some quick and easy recipes to make that compliment the liquid refreshments you and your friends will be enjoying. Personally, I love to be able to nibble on a range of food before and during the game. So I will share 3 easy, tasty recipes that you can make and that your enterprise will enjoy.

Saints Stuffed Eggs

Ingredients: 12 hard cooked eggs
8 oz smoked salmon, finely chopped
3/4 cup of mayonnaise
2-3 drops of hot sauce
2 tablespoons of chopped parsley
4 teaspoons of prepared mustard
dash of pepper
sprinkle of paprika

1. Halve eggs lengthwise. Remove yolks to a bowl. Set aside the egg whites for now.
2. Mash yolks with a fork. Try not to leave any clumps. Add salmon, mayonnaise, parsley, mustard, hot sauce, and pepper. Mix well.
3. Fill each egg white with the yolk mixture, mounding it.
4. Lightly sprinkle the top of each egg white with paprika.
5. Dispose on a serving dish. Cover with foil or plastic wrap. Refrigerate atleast 1 hour before serving.

I've been known to eat a half dozen of these myself!!

Colts Taco Pie

Ingredients: 1- 8 oz sour cream
6 slices of American cheese
2 cups of taco chips
1 head of shredded lettuce
1 lb of ground beef
1 pkg taco seasoning mix
1/2 cup of water
1- 8 oz holder of crescent rolls

1. Brown the ground beef and drain off any grease. Add taco mix, water, and simmer for 5 minutes.
2. Place the crescent rolls in the bottom of an ungreased 10 inch pie tin. Sprinkle 1 cup of taco chips on the crust. Add ground beef mixture, sour cream, and American cheese. Sprinkle on remaining taco chips.
3. Bake at 375 degrees for 25 minutes. Serve with shredded lettuce.

Victory Dessert

Ingredients: Shortcake dessert cups
Vanilla Ice Cream
Cherry preserves
Pitted can or jar of cherries

Scoop vanilla ice cream on each dessert cup then place them in the freezer until ready to use. Heat cherry preserves. Remove from heat and add the drained cherries. Spoon over the ice cream and serve. If you're still in a partying mood then you can add 1/2-1 oz of cherry liqueur or Grand Marnier to the preserves just before removing from the heat. Keep in mind that too much liqueur or a harsh liquor will take away from the tasty flavor. Enjoy!

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How to Make Raclette and Other French Foods in the Usa

While living in France, my family learned to love some recipes that we unquestionably miss now that we're back home. After some experimentation and a few boo-boos, success is mine!

Our first beloved is pain au chocolat. roughly translated, it is chocolate bread, and it is a beloved breakfast food in France. It is also extraordinarily beloved as an after school snack. This food is so popular, they sell them in plastic wrappers in packs of 8 or 10, just like our hot dog buns! Now, keep in mind that the French version uses a type of croissant dough that takes hours to make by hand. I found the following two methods give me a inexpensive substitute that my family likes.

First and probably easiest is the crescent roll version. I open a can of crescent rolls, but separate the pastry into rectangles by holding two of the triangles together. I press the seams with a moist finger to seal them together. One can makes 8 crescent rolls, so it makes 4 French pastries. I have a big family, so I need 4 cans. If you have a small family, you can make do with two cans. Next, take your beloved plain chocolate bars ( like you would use to make S'mores) and cut the bars into strips parallel to the short side, about 1/4" wide. Lay out one rectangle of dough, and put two strips of chocolate on top, set in from each short end adequate so that you can take each end and fold it over the chocolate. The edges of the two folds should touch in the middle of the pastry. Once you have folded the dough, turn it seam side down and go on to the next one. Once you have them completed, bake the dough as directed on the package. When they are done, pop them out of the oven and serve them warm. You can use dark or milk chocolate, but traditionally the French use darker chocolates than we do.

The second recipe is to buy frosty puff pastry squares and consequent the rest of the instructions above. These are a diminutive closer to the true texture of the bread dough used in France, but a diminutive more costly to make.

With whether method, you could substitute a line of chocolate chips for the strips of chocolate if you don't have bars of chocolate on hand. Since it all melts in the end, it unquestionably doesn't matter.

Another beloved food from France is raclette. Now, raclette is a cheese, but it is also a recipe of cooking, coming from basically the same region of Europe as fondue. Raclette is a semi-firm cheese, with the Swiss version being a diminutive firmer (and tastier, in my opinion) than the French variety. whether will work in a pinch. You can find raclette cheese in many supermarkets now, as well as glutton food market and some natural food stores. Raclette uses a special grill that has a flat top and an area below with small trays. The cheese is put into the trays and placed inside the grill to melt. Raclette grills can be purchased at specialty market for a unquestionably "special" price, but T-Fal makes an electric version that I bought for about . It is a tabletop appliance.

Raclette is traditionally done like this:

Choose your beloved cold cuts, such as salami, priscuitto ham, olive loaf, etc. arrange them on a plate in rows or columns that appeal to your eye. Slice (or get the store to) the cheese into 1/3 to 1/2" thick slices that will fit into your cheese trays. arrange these slices on the meat tray as well.

Next, bake or boil some potatoes whole. I bake them here in the Usa, but they were often boiled in Europe. While they are cooking, make a diminutive salad of mixed greens, or shred some carrots into a pile on each plate, or cucumber slices, whatever you have and like. Open a jar of cornichons (these are diminutive dill style pickles the French love). You can buy them at roughly any supermarket now, but if you don't have them, substitute your own pickles. This recipe of cooking is all about the fun, not whether or not it is mechanically correct.

When your potatoes are done, put one on each plate with some of your veggie or salad and pickles for edible garnish. Turn your grill on and let it heat for a few minutes while you get the drinks ready. Every someone uses their own tray to melt the cheese, which is then poured over their potato. My kids like to grill their meats on the top, but I prefer mine still cold. It is up to you!. Eat and laugh and talk while enjoying the meats, potatoes and cheese. You can't mess this up! Cold cuts, cheese, baked potatoes- easy and wonderful.

The many thing about raclette (other than the capability fun time) is the clean up. In my house, there is rarely any food left, so I regularly don't even have to wrap the left overs. There are plates, forks, a few cheese trays, and your glasses. No hot pans with sticky messes, no oven pans to wash, and most all things can pop in the dishwasher.

Now, this is not the cheapest meal you can make, but we treasure it so much that we do this every other month or so. If you like fondue, you are sure to love it. If you have never had fondue, give this a try. I bet you'll fall in love with it, too.

A beloved adult drink of ours is the Kir. It is an aperitif, or before evening meal drink. This is easy as pie and unquestionably delicious, even if you are not a wine drinker. Here's the recipe:

Chardonnay wine (traditionally French Aligote, but you can't regularly get that here)
Creme de Cassis

Chill the wine. In a wine glass, put one part creme de cassis to 3 or 4 parts wine. I say 3 or 4 because it depends on the capability of the creme de cassis as to how much of it you need to make the drink right. When it is done right, the wine will have a slightly sweeter taste than normal.


Use: Creme de Framboise

Creme de Mure

Creme de Myrtille
instead of the Creme de Cassis.


Use champaigne instead of chardonnay for a Royal Kir.

My beloved is Framboise, but I like them all! The cremes can be added to red wines, too, but that is not unquestionably traditional.

These are just a few of the things we found that we didn't want to do without just because we came home, so we have incorporated them into our lives here in the Usa. I hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

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