Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Make Dumplings the Easy Way

#1. Make Dumplings the Easy Way

Make Dumplings the Easy Way

I had two kind neighbors when I was a boy. On one side was a lady from Germany and on the other side a lady from Sweden. Both were widows and when a horse went by the house they would race for the dropping to put on their gardens. Both liked to cook for me but I preferred the cooking of Mrs. Mullins, the Swede. I especially liked her dumplings. Over the years I have tried to double her dumplings. I got close after trying all things I could find. Here is how I make dumplings roughly like hers.

Make Dumplings the Easy Way

When I started I view the dough was everything. So I tried everything. Actually, most recipes for dumplings have a simple dough. The incommunicable is not in the dough. What I have learned is that biscuit dough from the refrigerated branch at your grocer is just fine. I tried them all, even the sugary ones like cinnamon roll dough. Forget the cinnamon roll dough. It makes yukky dumplings. Use the crescent rolls or such. If the package does not divide de facto then just make sure you cut the sections you are going to use as dumplings into sections that are not too thick. I propose about 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch thick. You can also roll the dough into spheres to drop in your steaming, boiling pot.

I like to make my dumplings with chicken noodle/vegetable soup. My Swedish friend put them in tomato-based vegetable soup. The key is to over season the soup. Why? Because the flavor of the dumpling comes from anyone it can citation from the soup. Get the soup boiling at a good rate. Drop in the dumplings, pushing them gently down into the soup with a spoon. Put the lid on the pot and boil them for 20-30 minutes. Now turn them over and boil them for other span of 13-20 minutes. You want to make sure the dumplings are cooked through.

Now you should have great dumplings. If you have a hard dumpling, gray in color, it is not cooked properly. If I get one like that and the rest are fine, I give it to the dog. Not really. My son is a vet and our dog died.

Fly Old Glory!

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