Saturday, September 8, 2012

Slovak Recipes - 6 Easy Steps to production Pirohy

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Do you know about - Slovak Recipes - 6 Easy Steps to production Pirohy

Crescent Roll Recipes! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Pirohy are a customary Eastern Slovak dish made from boiled dumplings of unleavened dough and which seem large crescent-shaped ravioli.

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How is Slovak Recipes - 6 Easy Steps to production Pirohy

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Crescent Roll Recipes.

Known also as pierogi, perogi, perogy, pirohi, piroghi, pirogi, pirogen, pierogy and even pyrohy, according to which region or country you are visiting, the term Pirohy comes from the old Slavic word "pir", meaning "festivity".

Depending on which country you eat them in, the pirohy can have any whole of dissimilar fillings, together with dissimilar meats, jams, spinach and salty bryndza cheese.  However, this particular formula is for potato and onion pirohy, which is a speciality of East Slovakia.

Step 1: Rolling of the pastry

The first step is to put in order the pastry, which is done by mixing 4 cups of flour, an egg and 2 cups of water together, as well as a pinch of salt. The pastry is then rolled out with a rolling pin, until it is half a centimeter thick.

Step 2: Creating circle shapes

Once the pastry has been rolled, take a cup or a glass and carefully cut out some circles.

Step 3: Filling the circles with potato

After you have fulfilled, creating the circles, fill them with a potato mixture, made from 3 pounds of mashed potatoes and some onions.  Please note that the onions should be fried in oil before mixing them together with the mashed potatoes.

Step 4: Shaping the pirohy

Once you have filled a circle of pastry with the potato and onion mixture, you should close each circle by creating a crescent moon shape. Then seal up the edges in a lace-like pattern.

Step 5: Cook the pirohy

Now the pirohy are ready to be settled into a pot of boiling water. Once they are in the boiling water, mix them occasionally, being very particular not to break them.  When the pirohy begin to float to the top of the boiling water you know they are cooked and ready to be served.

Step 6: Serve with cream and a fried onion garnish

Once you have taken the pirohy out of the water, serve immediately, with a embellishment of fried onions and a spoonful of sour cream.

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